Wednesday, January 2, 2013

my heart's light

my heart is not moved
by big words
or small music

my heart will only dance
to a song well sung
strings well plucked
strings caressed
choir chords
well tuned

inside my heart
lives a shimmer
long kindled by sparks
from a source unseen


oh i yearn to touch the source
of my heart's fire

sometimes i have a hunch
who it is

sometimes i can feel with my heart
who it is

i'd like to see with my heart
who it is
that lit my heart


come sisters and brothers in the light
sing with me
dance with me
shine your shimmer on me
lend me some glimmer


i promise to breathe
from my heart, a breeze
to wake up the fire
and return the favor
a glowing ember


i am worried if you don't
lend me a spark
that my lamp would grow dim

i'm afraid
some corners of my heart
would be in the dark

shadows would sneak in
and steal my heart
from the light

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